Garlic Extract supplement Kenya


What garlic can do for you

1. Boost immunity: In test tubes, garlic appears to kill cancer cells, and studies involving people show some of the same outcomes. According to the Iowa Women’s Health Study, involving 41,000 middle-aged women, those who routinely ate garlic, fruits and vegetables had a 35 percent lower colon cancer risk.

2. Work as an anti-inflammatory: Research has shown that garlic oil works as an anti-inflammatory. So, if you have sore and inflamed joints or muscles, rub them with the oil.

3. Improve cardiovascular health: The verdict is still out on whether garlic improves your cholesterol levels, but research does indicate it can have a positive impact on your arteries and blood pressure.


4. Give you better hair & skin: Garlic’s antioxidants can clear up your skin by killing acne-causing bacteria. Some data shows rubbing raw garlic over pimples can clear them away. Be aware, though, that it could cause a burning sensation on your skin.

5. Protect your food: Those same antibacterial properties in fresh garlic can kill the bacteria that lead to food poisoning, including salmonella and E.coli.

6. Treat athlete’s foot: Garlic also fights fungus. If you have athlete’s foot, soak your feet in garlic water or rub raw garlic on your feet to attack the itch-causing fungus

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    11 Proven Health Benefits of Garlic Extract

    What is garlic extract? It is from a plant called garlic.Garlic Extract Contains Compounds With Potent Medicinal Properties
    Benefits of Garlic

    Firstly Garlic is a plant in the Allium (onion) family. Secondly Garlic Extract is closely related to onions, shallots and leeks. Thirdly each segment of a garlic bulb is called a clove. Most importantly there are about 10–20 cloves in a single bulb, give or take.Ginseng, Chia Seeds, Vitamin D3, fISH oIL+d3,Fish Flax Borage, Krill Oil, Cranberry Supplements, Cinnamon, Healthy Hair Keratin Formula, Black Cohosh, St Johns Wort, Turmeric, Echinacea Pills, Valelian Root Pills,CLA PILLS,5HTP Supplement, Healthy Skin Nails

    Generally Garlic grows in many parts of the world .

    However, the main use of garlic was for its health.

    2. Garlic Extract Is Highly Nutritious But Has Very Few Calories

    Furthermore Calorie for calorie, garlic is incredibly nutritious.

    One clove (3 grams) of raw garlic contains:

    • Manganese: 2% of the Daily Value (DV)
    • Vitamin B6: 2% of the DV
    • Vitamin C: 1% of the DV
    • Selenium: 1% of the DV
    • Fiber: 0.06 grams
    • Decent amounts of calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B1Ginseng, Chia Seeds, Vitamin D3, fISH oIL+d3,Fish Flax Borage, Krill Oil, Cranberry Supplements, Cinnamon, Healthy Hair Keratin Formula, Black Cohosh, St Johns Wort, Turmeric, Echinacea Pills, Valelian Root Pills,CLA PILLS,5HTP Supplement, Healthy Skin Nails

    Additionally this comes with 4.5 calories, 0.2 grams of protein and 1 gram of carbs.Ginseng,Garlic Extract Supplement, Garlic And Parsley Pills,Flax Seed Oil,Pumkin Seeds, Apple Cider Vinegar, Chia Seeds, Vitamin D3, fISH oIL+d3,Fish Flax Borage, Krill Oil, Cranberry Supplements, Cinnamon, Healthy Hair Keratin Formula, Black Cohosh, St Johns Wort, Turmeric, Echinacea Pills, Valelian Root Pills,CLA PILLS,5HTP Supplement, Healthy Skin Nails

    Similarly Garlic also contains trace amounts of various other nutrients. In fact, it contains a little bit of almost everything you need.

    3. Garlic Can Combat Sickness, Including the Common Cold
    4. The Active Compounds in Garlic Can Reduce Blood Pressure
    5. Garlic Improves Cholesterol Levels, Which May Lower the Risk of Heart DiseaseGinseng, Chia Seeds, Vitamin D3, fISH oIL+d3,Fish Flax Borage, Krill Oil, Cranberry Supplements, Cinnamon, Healthy Hair Keratin Formula, Black Cohosh, St Johns Wort, Turmeric, Echinacea Pills, Valelian Root Pills,CLA PILLS,5HTP Supplement, Healthy Skin Nails

    Garlic can lower total and LDL cholesterol.

    Generally for those with high cholesterol, garlic supplements appear to reduce it.

    6. Garlic Contains Antioxidants That May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

    Oxidative damage from free radicals contributes to the aging process.Ginseng, Chia Seeds, Vitamin D3, fISH oIL+d3,Fish Flax Borage, Krill Oil, Cranberry Supplements, Cinnamon, Healthy Hair Keratin Formula, Black Cohosh, St Johns Wort, Turmeric, Echinacea Pills, Valelian Root Pills,CLA PILLS,5HTP Supplement, Healthy Skin Nails

    Garlic contains antioxidants that support the body’s protective mechanisms against oxidative damage.

    7. Garlic May Help You Live Longer

    Eat Healthy Garlic Extract

    Being on a proper diet does not only help you show off a sexy beach body. Similarly it also plays a key role in maintaining proper libido levels. When we are young, it is no problem for us to be lustful. Sometimes, it is all we can think about! But as we time passes and we grow older, life’s responsibilities, obligations, and burdens take their toll on us.Ginseng,Garlic Extract Supplement, Garlic And Parsley Pills,Flax Seed Oil,Pumkin Seeds, Apple Cider Vinegar, Chia Seeds, Vitamin D3, fISH oIL+d3,Fish Flax Borage, Krill Oil, Cranberry Supplements, Cinnamon, Healthy Hair Keratin Formula, Black Cohosh, St Johns Wort, Turmeric, Echinacea Pills, Valelian Root Pills,CLA PILLS,5HTP Supplement, Healthy Skin Nails

    This a healthy and super satisfying dressing.

    The Bottom Line

    Finally for thousands of years, garlic was believed to have medicinal properties. Drink water: Drinking water can help your body release more urine and therefore blood glucose. Eat a high-protein snack:

    To sum up Science has now confirmed it.Ginseng,Garlic Extract Supplement, Garlic And Parsley Pills,Flax Seed Oil,Pumkin Seeds, Apple Cider Vinegar, Chia Seeds, Vitamin D3, fISH oIL+d3,Fish Flax Borage, Krill Oil, Cranberry Supplements, Cinnamon, Healthy Hair Keratin Formula, Black Cohosh, St Johns Wort, Turmeric, Echinacea Pills, Valelian Root Pills,CLA PILLS,5HTP Supplement, Healthy Skin Nails

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