PRO ENDURO – athletes anaerobic stamina, energy and muscular strength sportsmen training supplement +254723408602



  • Sports rehydration.
  • ƒƒHelps replenish electrolytes.
  • ƒƒSupplies energy and amino acids during physical activity. Contains anti-catabolic amino acids which help reduce muscle breakdown during intensive exercise.
  • ƒƒExtends power output time.
  • ƒƒMay help reduce muscle cramping and soreness.
  • ƒƒIncreases the exercise-related muscle recovery rate between training sessions.
  • ƒƒOptimises the use of glycogen for energy.
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    Mens max suppliments Nairobi Kenya daresalaam tanzania juba south sudan Khartoum sudan Kigali Rwanda kampala Uganda bunjumbura Burundi kinshasaDRC Maputo Mozambique accra Ghana Dakar Senegal Lusaka Zambia Monrovia angola jibouti asmara Eritrea tuni Tunisia rabat morocco cairo Egypt Harare zimbambwe Mauritius Seychelles Pretoria south Africa lagos Nigeria  capeverde eguitorial guinea mpgadishu Somalia adisababa Ethiopia togo Liberia sierra leone mensmaxsupplimentsathleticsmuscleenhancingdrugforfatigueandtirednessgymbodybuildingmassgainingsportssupplementsshopafrica

    USN’s PRO ENDURO has been scientifically developed with the performance athlete in mind. A blend of highly essential and conditionally essential amino acids have been blended together with a unique carbohydrate matrix that includes the patented Vitargo®, an agglomerated barley starch, to drastically accelerate glycogen uptake, refuelling and utilisation during and after strenuous  training and events.
    Among the most beneficial and effective supplements in any sports nutrition programme are Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs). These are the essential amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine. The combination of these three essential amino acids makes up approximately a third of skeletal muscle in the human body, and plays an important role in protein synthesis, and thus muscle growth and repair. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid found in the human body and is arguably the most important in the process of building muscle and gaining strength.
    Citrulline malate again may enhance natural arginine levels and promote aerobic energy production as well as post-training recovery – a reduction in the sensation of fatigue has been shown, with reduced levels of lactic acid and ammonia quite evident. Beta-alanine promotes this reduction in fatigue and increase in aerobic energy to an even greater extent, whilst also increasing anaerobic energy, muscular strength and power output.
    The refreshing USN PRO ENDURO will allow active individuals to train harder for longer, with stabilised energy levels to support improved levels of stamina and recovery.
    Lightly flavoured with real fruit components. FREE FROM ARTIFICIAL COLOURANTS, SWEETENERS & PRESERVATIVES.


    • During intense training.


    • Sports rehydration.
    • ƒƒHelps replenish electrolytes.
    • ƒƒSupplies energy and amino acids during physical activity. Contains anti-catabolic amino acids which help reduce muscle breakdown during intensive exercise.
    • ƒƒExtends power output time.
    • ƒƒMay help reduce muscle cramping and soreness.
    • ƒƒIncreases the exercise-related muscle recovery rate between training sessions.
    • ƒƒOptimises the use of glycogen for energy.

      Mix ±2 rounded scoops (36g) with 400-500ml water (room temperature). Mix 250ml water first and shake for 10-15 seconds, before adding the additional 250ml water and shaking again.