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By Health Need
By Health Need Products In Kenya By Health Need products are defined as those substances which gives energy or makes the person healthy.Because of the current competitive environment, health care providers (hospitals, HMOs, physicians, and others) are constantly searching for better products and better means for delivering them. 6 Essential Nutrients and Why Your Body Needs Them Protein. Carbs. Fats. Vitamins. Minerals. Water. Takeaway. Exercise Regular exercise works hand in hand with nutrition to keep your body strong and healthy. Not only does physical activity help you maintain a healthy weight, it aids in maintaining bone mass, lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, reduces stress and improves your quality of sleep Water The amount of water your body needs to stay healthy depends on how active you are and what type of climate you live in, according to the CDC. Your body requires water to regulate its temperature, lubricate and cushion your joints, produce urine, perspiration and bowel movements and protect your spinal cord. Common natural products include vitamins and minerals (such as vitamin C or a multivitamin), botanicals (herbs and plant products, such as St. John’s wort), and substances that come from a natural source (such as omega-3 fatty acids). Where To Buy…
Anti Reflux Supplements
Anti-Cancer Supplements
Anxiety And Stress Relief Supplements
Blood Supplements
Brain Boosters / Nootropics /Neuro Health
Colon Cleansers
Constipation Supplements
Body Detox Products Detox Products aid the body remove toxins from the body naturally. A detox will help flush out the toxins from your body which tend to accumulate quickly in our bodies, especially if you live in a big city. Between pollution, passive smoking and sometimes bad air quality, our bodies need a little help flushing them out. Taking detox supplements will help you pack in the vitamins and minerals your body needs and might be lacking. What are the best daily practices to detox? It’s not just about taking supplements, but also about making mindful lifestyle choices to support the body’s natural detoxification. Drinking water is not only hydrating and nourishing for the body but it is also a great way to get rid of toxins, you will literally be flushing out toxins, the more water you drink. Eat foods that support detoxification : Nourishing yourself with superfoods . But you also want to eat more whole plant foods. Nowadays we tend to consume a lot of food on the go that has been processed. Not just to detox but also to keep a balanced diet. Tongue scraping is an easy and effective way remove toxins from your…
Diabetes / Blood Sugar Support Supplements
Eye Sight Support
Foot Care Products
Gout Relief Supplements
Hearing Aids/ Ear Health Products
Hemorrhoids Treatment
High-Blood Pressure
Immunity Boosters
Joint Guard, Joint Support Arthritis Joint Pain Relief
Joints Support Joint Guard A human body cannot function without joints. Joints are the place where two bones meet or connect. On the other hand Ligaments are short bands of tough fibrous connective tissue that function to connect one bone to another, forming the joint. Similarly Tendons are made of elastic tissue and also play a key role in the functioning of joints. Additionally they connect muscle to bone. In his category Joints Support Joint Guard we focus on products and supplements that are useful for healthy joints and bone health. Firstly there are several steps towards making sure you are safe from joint pain and severe arthritis pain. Manage Your Weight Shedding a few pounds (say, 5 to 10) can help with pain and function. Research shows people who lost 10 percent of their body weight saw knee pain drop up to 50 percent. Stay Active Generally exercise may seem like it would cause more pain, but research suggests otherwise. Use Meds With Care For severe pain, your doctor may suggest an over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever Be Cautious With Injections Though steroid injections can temporarily ease inflammation and pain, they may damage the joint and cartilage See Surgery as a Last Resort Some…
Joint Support Supplements
Joint Support Supplements Generally, Joint Support Supplements are designed to slow down and even reverse the pain and inflammation cause by inflamed and weakened joints. People with active lifestyles want to strengthen joints, maintain flexibility and get relief from occasional joint pain. Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can shop for Joint Support Supplements online. In-fact we have a safe check out system. In addition we can deliver our products anywhere in the world. This is through global couriers. Our clients can also visit our stores to purchase our products. Meanwhile the advantage of this is that our attendants will give advise and free consultation. Whichever way you opt, you are welcome to try out products. We have many health supplements. Moreover, the three ingredients have been studied and found to have health benefits on the joints. Firstly, they may help your cartilage. Secondly, they reduce the inflammation causing pain and swelling. Joint Support Supplements are a dime a dozen nowadays and many of them are under dosed or lack the ingredients you need. What supplements help lubricate joints? Glucosamine is found naturally in the body’s joint cartilage . Likewise, it helps keep it healthy and lubricated. Similarly, the shells of shrimp,…
Kidney Stones Treatment/ Kidney Health
Liver Support Supplements
Lung Support
Prostate Support Supplements
Psoriasis Treatment
Sinuses Management Supplements
Sleep Aid Supplements
STDs / STIs Supplements
Ulcers And Heartburn Supplements
Urinary Tract Infection Supplements
Varicose Veins And Spider Veins Treatment
Breast Enlarging
Breast Firming
Lady’s Human Hairs – (Weaves & Extensions)
Synthetic Hairs
Hip boosting products
Silicone Hip-Buttocks
Vagina Tightening
Fertility Drugs For Women
Fertility Drugs For Women Most Fertility Drugs For Women contain different ingredients. Once inside your system, they help to increase your fertility. They’re not just for women. Men can suffer from fertility problems as well . Fertility supplements generally contain only natural products, such as herbs or minerals. Because of this, you can buy them over the counter or online. For the most part, natural fertility supplements function as a nutritional supplement. Still, some of them have specific formulae. To buy fertility supplements or drugs get in touch with us. Above all we will help you all the way. Furthermore we have many products. They enhance sex. Additionally some can increase testosterone in the body. This makes sex life more enjoyable. You will not be disappointed. Importantly we will give you advice. You will get products to help you. It is advisable to eat healthy foods. You should take enough water. It keeps the body hydrated. This is obviously good for sex. Eating vegetables also helps alot. Smoking affects sex. It can also lead to health complications. They include cancer and high blood pressure. Such conditions kill sex ability. Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can shop for…
Beard Care
Beard Care Products In Kenya What are beard care products? Beard Care Products combine together to provide nourishment to your beard hair while moisturizing your skin.They prevent breakage of beards and crunchiness. Beard care products are not only beneficial to your facial hair but most importantly to the skin underneath. On the spectrum of men’s grooming, beard maintenance falls between skin care and hair care. That’s because you have to take care of both the hair growing out of your face and the skin underneath that glorious hair. It’s like the campsite rule: no matter how long your beard is, you should be using beard products that benefit both the hair and skin and won’t do damage to either.Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can shop for our products online. We have a safe check out system. In addition we can deliver our products anywhere in the world. This is through global couriers. Our clients can also visit our stores to purchase our products. The advantage of this is that our attendants will give advise and free consultation. Whichever way you opt, you are welcome to try out products. Follow our beard care products maintenance tips and you’ll have a healthy, awesome…
Beard Growth
Beard Growth Products In Kenya Bear Growth Products come in 5 main categories: Creams / Lotions Pills Oils Medical Solutions Shampoo Here’s a bit of detail on each and how they can be more (or less) effective for you: 1. Creams/Lotions Beard growth creams and lotions are great for men with patchy beards. 2. Pills Beard growth pills are a terrific alternative to any of the topical solutions as they can be taken orally and work to supplement your diet and spur on additional growth. 3. Oils Oils are very much like lotions or creams but in a much thinner solution. Often paired with carrier oils (i.e. jojoba oil, argan oil, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, etc.) along with essential oils (i.e. tea tree oil, peppermint oil, etc.) beard growth oils can provide targeted results while also conditioning your beard. Based on our research, a quality beard oil will often rely on natural remedies to stimulate beard growth. In addition to generating new facial hair, oils will help to soften and prevent your beard from feeling itchy or dry. 4. Medical Solutions Targeted medical solutions such as Minoxidil (the active ingredient found in Rogaine) have provided reliably strong results with continued use. 5.…
Beard Growth Pills In Kenya Beard growth pills are a terrific alternative to any of the topical solutions as they can be taken orally and work to supplement your diet and spur on additional beard growth. Often heavily concentrated with hair growth vitamins including Biotin, they are great for men who have less than optimal diets and generally have a thin or lighter looking beard. Not only do they contain many of the trademark ingredients found in many of the top beard growth products including Biotin and peppermint oil, they also contains exotic ingredients including manuka honey. Our Pills Pros Powerful product to help boost and fortify your beard Won’t make your beard look or feel greasy/oily Easily gets deep to your skin in order to provide effective results Of course, when taking pills, there is no targeted approach like a topical solution. Therefore, filling in certain areas on your face that are sparse may prove to be ineffective. We find that pills are best for men with thin beards. Our beard pills are; The Highest rated beard growth pills currently on the market Contains several key ingredients that have been found in studies to promote hair growthWhere To Buy And How To Shop;You…
Beard Growth Oils
Beard Growth Oil In Kenya Beard growth oil is very much like lotions or creams but in a much thinner solution. Often paired with carrier oils (i.e. jojoba oil, argan oil, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, etc.) along with essential oils (i.e. tea tree oil, peppermint oil, etc.) beard growth oils can provide targeted results while also conditioning your beard. Based on our research, a quality beard growth oil will often rely on natural remedies to stimulate beard growth. In addition to generating new facial hair, beard growth oils will help to soften and prevent your beard from feeling itchy or dry. Does Ethnicity Matter? One surprising bit of information that we came across in our research was that some companies provided targeted beard growth products for men of different ethnicity (African American, Asian, Hispanic, Caucasian, etc.). However, based on our understanding, there is no product that will be more (or less) effective for one ethnicity over another. cience Based Facts When it comes to finding the most effective beard growth products that will generate proven results, it’s important to look at scientific evidence to support company claims. Some of the most popular active ingredients found in the leading beard…
Shaving And Grooming
Shaving And Grooming Products In Kenya Shaving and Grooming Products at Walgreens Hair removal is an important part of grooming for men and women alike, and having the right products available can help you complete this essential step in your personal care regimen with ease. Walgreens is your one-stop shop for all of your shaving and grooming needs with a wide selection of products available. Everything You Need for a Classic Shave A classic shave requires two key components: a razor and lubricant. Walgreens offers many different kinds of razors for men and women, so you can select the type that is the right fit for your needs. Disposable razors are an affordable option that you simply throw away once the blade becomes dull. Cartridge razors decrease waste and often offer closer, smoother results with their specially designed replaceable heads. For the most traditional shave, you can choose a safety razor with a reusable bottom and replaceable blades. To minimize friction and reduce the risk of shaving irritation, be sure to lather up a shaving cream, foam, gel or soap before you reach for whichever razor you choose. Making Shaving High Tech Electric shavers provide an alternative to conventional razors for men…
Creams And Lotions
Beard Creams And Lotions In Kenya Beard growth creams and lotions are great for men with patchy beards. Able to be applied liberally to a specified area, creams and lotions can penetrate the skin deeper and should be able to provide effective and targeted results. Relying on a unique mixture of vitamin E oil, keratin, and Grotein (their proprietary formula), this serum will work to moisturize and condition your facial hair and skin to promote new facial hair growth. As great as it may be, what men really loved about our creams is the scent. While many lotions designed for beard growth can smell like a mixture of chemicals, our beard growth lotions notes that can be quite invigorating. One of the downsides to beard growth creams and lotions is that if your beard length is above a stubble, they may clump in longer facial hair – making the application process a bit trickier for some. Perfect for men looking to fill in a thin or patchy beard, our fortifying beard lotions contain some of the following key ingredients to help you get a thicker beard. Standout ingredients include the following: Mango Butter Coconut Oil Avocado Oil Aloe Leaf Betaine Jojoba Esters Rosemary…
Grey Hair Products
Grey Hair Products In Kenya At MensMaxSuppliments health and beauty store we have a wide range of gray hair products. We take cognizance of the fact that grey hair makes confidence wane especially when it starts at a young age and we have taken it upon ourselves to have products that work. We need to know how grey hair starts. Grey hair starts when Hair follicles contain pigment cells that produce melanin which gives your tresses their color. When your body stops generating melanin hair presents itself as gray, white, or silver. Melanin also provides moisture so when less is produced hair becomes brittle and loses its bounce. We have a collection of products in Tanzania and Uganda also that deal with pigmentation and melanin formation. Not forgetting the rejuvenation of roots which ultimately leads to growth of healthy hair. GrayOff Hair Spray and ColourKeep Spray work instantly to fix your hair by giving you that black tone in your hair that is amazingly natural in look. Minoximed and Minoxidil are other products that we have in our stores and deliver anywhere in the world. They rejuvenate the hair groweth process. The two contain an abundance of minerals and plant proteins which work together to repair…
Male Enhancement Products
Testosterone Boosters Semen Volume Supplements In Kenya Generally Testosterone Boosters Semen Volume Supplements are natural supplements . Additionally as noted above, the levels of testosterone usually decline with age. Similarly the peak for the levels is between the early twenties and early thirties, after which the downtrend begins. In addition decline in the levels of the hormone will also see a decline in the body functions. They have done this by using Testosterone Boosting Pills. These pills have no negative effects. You can buy them online. Alternatively to can purchase from our stores. It is important to spice our sex life. Additionally the needs of a woman in sex must be met. HOW DO SEMEN BOOSTERS INCREASE SEMEN VOLUME The man needs to be in the flow of the rhythm. He should be active and capable. Many couples who have experienced this problem have turned the tables of their sex life . Generally these supplements straightforwardly increase ejaculation volume. In the same vein they maximize cum loads and strengthen the force of ejaculations. How Do They Do This; .They support testosterone production .Increase blood flow .Stimulate the creation of more semen Where To Buy And How To Shop; Finally you can…
Gels For Male Enhancement In Kenya
Gels For Male Enhancement In Nairobi Gels For Male Enhancement, what are they? Male enhancement refers to any technique or supplement that enhances penis size, sexual stamina, or sex drive. Some people may also use this term to refer to any method that may help a male last longer before ejaculating. Gels For Male Enhancement Gels Purport To: Stimulating growth by activating blood flow in the male organ. Due to increased blood circulation, the cavernous tissues extend and stretch. This process provides a more powerful and prolonged erection with the increased sensitivity and a gradual increase in parameters. Others claim to increase the organ size by making the organ stretch with afew inches after using them. They do this by ensuring that more blood flows in the organ hence leading bulging of the cavernous tissues.Yet others like the Oomph Cream claim to ytigger mutation of cells in the cavernous tissues leading to increase of size length-wise and girth-wise. Others sare said to reduce sensitivity on the organ therefore treating premature climaxing. Where To Buy Gels For Male Enhancement In Kenya Healthsupplementskenya is the place to shop. In addition, the service for the customer is pleasant. You can call them using…
Delay Sprays
Men Delay Sprays In Kenya Firstly Men Delay Sprays are effective and useful to men who suffer from Premature Ejaculation.Similarly Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates sooner during sexual intercourse than he or his partner would like. Premature ejaculation is a common sexual complaint. Premature ejaculation can be frustrating. It lowers a man’s confidence and his self esteem. It also leaves his partner not satisfied. Many relationships have broken down because of the problem of premature ejaculation. This is where every man needs a delay spray. Generally the main ingredient in Delay Sprays is Licodaine. It desensitizes the penis skin. This makes a man not to be excited too fast hence he can enjoy sex. The Delay Sprays that we stock are clinically tested. Additionally they are condom friendly. Likewise they do not stain. They not only treat premature ejaculation. They prolong the sex period. Our sprays are safe. Similarly they are effective and do not cause irritation.The man needs to be in the flow of the rhythm. He should be active and capable. Many couples who have experienced this problem have turned the tables of their sex life . Finally our sprays do not make the spray completely…
Probiotics Supplements
Probiotics Supplements In Kenya Firstly Probiotics Supplements are Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for you, especially your digestive system. Secondly, We usually think of these as germs that cause diseases. But your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Probiotics are often called “good” or “helpful” bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy. In the same vein Probiotics are part of a larger picture concerning bacteria and your body — your microbiome. Think of a microbiome as a diverse community of organisms, such as a forest, that work together to keep your body healthy. This community is made up of things called microbes. You have trillions of microbes on and in your body. These microbes are a combination of: Bacteria. Fungi (including yeasts). Viruses. Protozoa. However everyone’s microbiome is unique. No two people have the same microbial cells — even twins are different. Health Benefits of Probiotics Probiotics Help Balance The Friendly Bacteria in Your Digestive System. … Probiotics Can Help Prevent and Treat Diarrhea. … Probiotic Supplements Improve Some Mental Health Conditions. … Certain Probiotic Strains Can Help Keep Your Heart Healthy. … Probiotics May Reduce the Severity of Certain Allergies and Eczema.Where To Buy…
Weight Gain Products
Weight Gain Products In Kenya Weight gain is an increase in body weight. This includes increase in muscle fat, fat deposits, excess fluids such as water among others. Although its good to add or increase weight, weight gain can be a sign of a serious medical condition. Weight gain products in Kenya therefore refers to products that can help someone to increase their weight. The best way to gain weight is adopting a healthy lifestyle. This means feeding well by having a balanced diet. This is achievable by having a diet plan or program that you abide by. We termed that as the best way because good weight is weight that the body naturally accumulates. Such an accumulation though needs to be out of healthy living, not callousness. In cases where someone looses weight out of sickness or unhealthy living, we have products that can help to gain weight. They include weight gain pills and powders as well as protein shakes and bars. The products are unisex and they can be taken by men and women. There is a wide range of supplements that can help in weight gaining and you will find them all under our health and beauty…
Sports Supplements
Athletes energy and recovery supplements for achieving optimal performance
Body Toning Supplements
Core Muscle
Hardcore Supplements
Potty/ Tummy Trimmers
Belly Fat Reduction Products In Kenya Belly fat is the excess abdominal fats that surrounds organs in our stomach. We have belly fat in 3 types. Triglycerides is the fat that circulates in your blood. Then there is subcutaneous fat which is the layer directly below the skin’s surface. Finally we have visceral fat is the really dangerous belly fat. In this Belly Fat Reduction Products forum we are going to look at ways of getting rid of the visceral fat. There are many products in the market that gives all kinds of promises. Some promise to cut the belly fat in few days. It could be true but there is alot of untruths and misinformation. A good tummy trimmer must first of all be safe. By that we mean it should not bring complications when using or there after. A good flat tummy product ought to be safe to the user. It should not jeopardize the normally working of their body. As we focus on Belly Fat Reduction Products and weight loss we will focus on the key products. We have tummy trimming tea, belly belts, slimming pills and fat burners. Slimming Teas or detox teas are basically formulated to detoxify the belly area by getting rid of…
Slimming Belts In Kenya Overweight is a problem in several directions. First, it changes your appearance and undermines your self-esteem, secondly it is detrimental to health. There are many ways to lose weight. Of course, without proper nutrition and without movement this cannot be achieved, but there are additional methods worth paying attention to. For example, the slimming belts are widely used to reduce weight. Before you start using them, you need to find out how the slimming belt works and what it is all about. Extra belly fat can make you self-conscious about wearing form-fitting clothing or swimwear. Wearing a slimmer belt may seem like a solution for your stubborn stomach fat, but the results are only temporary. Slimming belts, are worn around the lower abdomen and lower back. The concept is simple. When you wrap the slimming belt around your waist, you’ll sweat. When you sweat, you’ll burn additional calories, resulting in toned abs and potentially weight-loss. These belts are not only for losing weight but also helps in providing a good posture. Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can shop for our products online. We have a safe check out system. In addition we can deliver our products anywhere in the world. This is…
slimming creams
This slimming creams/gels work amazingly. Firstly, they improve overall complexion by generating collagen and elastin in your skin. Ingredients that do this are usually antioxidants – it contains green tea, a potent antioxidant, which provide these results. Our slimming creams/gels help lose water weight, thanks to a unique blend of caffeine, menthol, green tea, and L-carnitine. The menthol definitely provides a cooling effect. Unlike some of the other products on this list, it’s not greasy at all or likely to stain your clothes. The gel texture makes it easy to wash off after use, and it can be used on its own, or applied to the targeted area then wrapped with a sweat belt or waist trainer. Our creams are probably one of the best slimming gels options out there. Our slimming creams have a good mix of skin nurturing ingredients along with the ingredients that help you lose weight or at least the ones that do. For the most part, they’re slimming creams that work. I don’t think it would hurt to use it once in a while – just always be aware that they’re not a total replacement for clean eating and regular exercise. Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can…
Whole body slimming
Body Weight Reduction Products In Kenya There are many Body Weight Slimming In Kenya products in the market. By that i mean general slimming, whether the tummy, the legs or the entire body. Herein though we will look at Whole Body Slimming or weightloss products. There are Body Weight Reduction Products that cut weight in the whole body evenly. For you to have magical slimming you need a well formulated product. Slimming creams and belts cannot give you this kind of effect. This is because they are for specific body areas. That means they either target the lower or the upper body. For the entire body to lose weight, whatever is being used therefore must take effect from inside the body. The best products for whole body weight slimming are pills, detox teas, and fat burners and all of them are ingestable. When you ingest slimming pills, they lower the bodys’ metabolism. Absorption and conversion of foods into fats is lowered. The detox teas on the other hand clean the digestive system. In conclusion, there many things in the slimming world. And honestly there are several good things in the market with amazing results without any side effects or harm…
slimming pills
Slimming Pills In Kenya Firstly Slimming Pills are weight loss supplements that are designed to incorporate herbal and natural extracts. Secondly they Reduce appetite, making you feel more full so that you eat fewer calories Thirdly they Reduce absorption of nutrients like fat, making you take in fewer calories Increase fat burning, making you burn more calories Similarly they help to suppress and restrain appetite hence weight loss It dilutes and burn fat effectively and availing stored fats from oxidation Helps one to slim with minimal side effects No rebound, no diarrheas Utilizes natural ingredients, hence safe Effectiveness: Assists in throwing out surplus weight without endeavor, appetite or exhaustion In addition these pills Supports in attaining a perfect shape Smolders cellulite Banishes sediments out of the body. Resolves the difficulties of bloating, gas and upset stomach Activates the movement of the intestine. Additionally they Prevent constipation Drop extreme weight Lose 8-10 kilos per month 100% natural weight loss supplements Similarly these pills Improve food absorption, therefore, preventing bloating Finally slimming pills regulate bowel movements making sure there is no bloating Where To Buy And How To Shop; Finally You can shop for our products online. Additionally We have a safe check out system. In addition we can…
Slimming Powder Weightloss Products In Kenya Powder helps you lose weight by keeping you full, maintaining lean muscle, and stoking your metabolism so you burn more fat. Here are some of the best Slimming Powder Weightloss Products In Kenya for weight loss. Sometimes losing weight isn’t about what you take out of your diet, but what you put in it. Adding more protein to your nutrition plan is one simple step that can be ultra-effective for losing more fat and keeping it off. How Slimming Powder Weightloss Products In Kenya Helps You Lose Weight Protein, either from food or a protein supplement, helps weight loss in several ways: Keeps you full and keeps cravings from getting the best of you Helps build lean muscle, which burns more fat Takes more calories to digest than fat and carbs Helps you maintain your weight loss over time Why You Should Take Protein Powder to Lose Fat Protein powder is low in carbohydrates and fat, so it fits with most diets. It makes it easy to get enough protein when you’re restricting calories. It’s also really convenient—just shake it up with water and you’re good to go. Sticking to a nutrition plan can…
Detox Tea Drinks For Slimming In Kenya Generally there are many products that fit in this category. Firstly they can either be dissolved in water or come as liquids. Green tea has become a rage in the world of health and nutrition. Similarly the beverage is full of antioxidants especially catechins that is known to boost metabolism naturally. In the same vein you can have it without sugar or you may want to add a pinch of lemon to spruce it up. use them. Detox Tea Drinks For Slimming are drinks that helps boost digestion and metabolism. Additionally they are also helpful in suppressing hunger and accelerating fat-burning process. Starting your day with a glass of lemon water could do wonders to cut your belly fat. People have used ginger to improve digestive health for hundreds of years. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can be a healthful addition to hot tea or sparkling water. Drink it first thing in the morning for best results. Similarly we have seeds that are a traditional remedy to combat indigestion and bloating. Fennel for instance has diuretic properties that helps detoxifying you. Detoxing has been closely linked with weight loss. Fennel seeds are also fruitful in boosting your metabolism. Mix…
Hair Care
Hair Conditioners In Kenya Conditioner. What is it actually doing? Does it weigh our hair down? Does it just go on the ends? So many questions. Discover how to use hair conditioner… 1 The benefits are instant. You don’t have to leave hair conditioner on for ages. Despite what we might believe, leaving our conditioner on for as long as possible (or sleeping in it – we’ve all been there) doesn’t mean it works any better. The benefits are usually instant 2 Conditioner protects from towel damage. Yep, you read that right: towel damage. When wet, our hair’s really vulnerable, and roughly towel drying it can cause breakage and damage to cuticles. Using conditioner beforehand helps to reduce the stress it experiences 3 All hair needs conditioner. Even if you have fine hair or oily roots – you still need it: conditioner is essential to keep your hair healthy-looking and feeling good. Which is why they’re formulated depending on hair type: like conditioners for fine hair, which are specially designed to leave just enough agents behind to keep hair smooth without weighing it down 4 Use after every shampoo. A good hair conditioner, like our Daily Shine Conditioner, is essential for caring…
Dry Shampoo
Dry Shampoos In Kenya Dry shampoo is a type of hair product that claims to reduce oil, grease, and dirt in your hair. Unlike wet shampoos and conditioners, dry shampoo can be applied to your hair while it’s dry — hence the name. Dry shampoo doesn’t need to be washed out of your hair, and it’s typically applied to the crown of your head and other areas where oil and shine may visibly collect. Some people swear by dry shampoo for touching up hair after a sweaty workout or extending the life of a salon blowout. This article will cover the science of dry shampoo, list some popular products, and take a look at how dry shampoo compares to lathering up your locks in the shower. How it works Your scalp is covered with hair follicles. These follicles don’t just sprout hairs. They also produce sebum, the natural oil that softens your scalp and gives hair its texture. Sebum serves an important purpose. It softens your hair and helps protect the skin underneath it. But when you’re working up a sweat, spending time outside, or even going about your day-to-day, oil and sweat from your scalp collect in your…
Hair Mask
Hair Mask In Kenya What are Hair Masks? Hair masks are deep conditioning treatment that helps to heal damaged hair. Hair Masks contain rich ingredients such as natural oils and lipids, in heavier concentrations than normal conditioners. You leave hair masks in for an extended period of time, three minutes to overnight. Even if your hair is normally healthy, the changing of the seasons can be hard on your strands. INGREDIENTS ARE KEY There is a myriad of hair masks on the market and the internet is flush with doing it yourself recipes for masks you can make in your own home. Regardless of how you obtain your mask, look for products to make or buy that contain natural oils such jojoba, olive oil, almond oil or even avocado. WHAT TYPES OF HAIR MASKS ARE THERE There are hair masks for all types of hair. Whether your hair is extra dry or extra oily, the varied ingredients and the seemingly endless choices for hair masks guarantee that there is a mask type for your hair. If your hair is colored, there are special masks for restoring hair treated with color. There are choices to give your hair more volume and even protein…
Hair Treatment
Hair Treatment Products In Kenya Hair care is an overall term for hygiene and cosmetology involving the hair which grows from the human scalp, and to a lesser extent facial, pubic and other body hair. Your Hair may be colored, trimmed, shaved, plucked or otherwise removed with hair treatment products via waxing, sugaring and threading. Treatments are not the same with conditioners. The two types of treatments are: Reconstructors which make the hair stronger and are generally protein based. Moisturisers the most common type of treatment, balance the moisture content of the cortex (middle of your hair). On the other hand, conditioners are: Rinses and acidifiers used to close the cuticle and seal the hair i.e. make it feel smooth and easily combed. If you have coloured hair a conditioner is a must with every shampoo to lock in your colour and make it last longer. Also if your hair is mid to long they are also necessary to nourish those areas that the natural oils just don’t get to. Really only those of us with very short non chemically processed hair don’t need a conditioner. Thermal protectors (Conditioner/finishing product) are used to prevent heat damage before it starts.Where To Buy And How To Shop;You can shop for our products online. We have a safe check out…
Grey hair solutions
Natural Hair Care
Natural Hair Care Products In Kenya What is Natural Hair? Natural hair by definition hasn’t been altered by chemical straighteners, including relaxers and texturizers. Natural Hair Care Products therefore are hair products used to care for hair that has not been altered by chemical straighteners, including relaxers and texturizers. 13 Simple Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster Get frequent trims — yes, really. … Resist the urge to go blonde. … Distribute your hair’s natural oils. … Eat the right foods. … Avoid heat styling tools. … Skip the daily shampoo. … Add a vitamin to your A.M. … Finish your shower with a cool rinse. Best cleansing products for natural hair The hair stylists we consulted all agreed about one thing: When it comes to cleaning natural Black hair, moisture and manageability are key. Using a shampoo and conditioner that are paraben- and sulfate-free keeps hair much more manageable. Parabens are chemical preservatives that help fight bacteria and fungus. You can identify them prefixes methyl-, ethyl-, propyl- and butylparaben. Sulfates are also preservatives that hair products utilize to reduce the spread of funky mold. Sodium lauryl sulfate may thicken your hair but it and other sulfates can also irritate and dry…
Shampoo Hair Products In Kenya What is the purpose of shampoo? The main purpose of shampoo is to remove dirt and oil from the surface of the hair fibres and the scalp, while the main purpose of conditioner is to ensure that the hair is smooth for combing. Some commercial shampoos may also have additional components to control dandruff and condition hair. It cleans the hair with chemicals called surfactants. These are soaps that remove surface debris from the scalp and hair. Many shampoos also contain compounds called sulfates, which produce a rich lather that removes oil from the hair. This can help the hair look cleaner, but it can also damage the hair. How do shampoos work? A detergent molecule in a shampoo works as a surfactant, meaning it lowers the surface tension between the water and the sebum. … Then, when you rinse the shampoo out, the hydrophilic part of the molecule (the part that binds to water) takes the dirt and gunk right on with it when it’s rinsed away Generally speaking, dry hair types should shampoo a maximum of two times a week, while oily hair types may require washing on a daily basis. If you have normal hair and don’t suffer from dryness or oiliness, you have the luxury of washing your hair whenever you…
Styling Products
Hair Styling Products In Kenya Hair styling products are used to change the texture and/or shape of hair, or to hold a hairstyle in place. When styling your hair, the finishing touches can make a difference in creating the perfect hairstyle. … As the name suggests, it is designed to control your hair and frizz formation, among other things. It provides your hair with the right amount of moisture to prevent from becoming overly dry. Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can shop for our products online. We have a safe check out system. In addition we can deliver our products anywhere in the world. This is through global couriers. Our clients can also visit our stores to purchase our products. The advantage of this is that our attendants will give advise and free consultation. Whichever way you opt, you are welcome to try out products. Hair Style Products Products that contain silicone will temporarily smooth your locks and add shine to your hair. Handle any styling wax with warm hands to make the product easier to control and use. The most important hair products to use are shampoo, conditioner, a heat protector and a finishing product. Use serums, glosses and waxes in blonde hair whenever styling…
Tools & Brushes
Hair Tools & Brushes In Kenya Hairstyling tools may include hair irons (including flat and curling irons), hair dryers, hairbrushes (both flat and round), hair rollers, diffusers and various types of scissors. Hair dressing might also include the use of product to add texture, shine, curl, volume or hold to a particular style. The quest for great hair meets an adversary at every turn: finding the right Hair Tools & Brushes to start and then, once styled, you battle humidity, rain, sweat from your workout, or steam in the shower. (Psst… You might also need these hair products for frequent exercisers.) Plus, who can afford or has the time for a professional blowout every few days? Even celebrities want to achieve great hair at home without a pro stylist. Luckily, our Hair Tools & Brushes are currently trending on the beauty scene and are a quick, easy way to getting lasting shine, volume, and style—without having to struggle. Try our wide range of hair care tools in our shop and you will not be disappointed. They are from world’s leading brands. Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can shop for our products online. We have a safe check out system. In addition we can deliver…
Hair growth products
Skin Care
MakeUp Products
MakeUp Products In Kenya Firstly, Makeup products refers to cosmetics applied to the face to improve or change your appearance. Additionally these products are meant to enhance outer beauty without harming the skin. Secondly the skin is the largest organ of the body. On the same note it is a protective shell that needs to breathe and be nourished and nurtured. Therefore as part of a daily routine, most women use makeup to enhance their appearance. Types of makeup looks are and what makes them each unique. HD Makeup; HD makeup is a technique that uses sheer makeup that hides the lines and creases and does not crease over time. Thus, making the skin look flawless and camera-ready for hours together. Airbrush Makeup; Airbrush makeup is literally painting on makeup with an airbrush instead of traditional makeup application tools like brushes and sponges. Matte Makeup; Matte makeup look allows you to experiment with bold colors and hues, without taking away the natural look of your face. Mineral Makeup; Mineral makeup uses chemical-free cosmetics that do not damage the skin. Natural Makeup; It uses a light base to give you an even tone, with subtle colours to accentuate the features. Shimmer Makeup; Shimmer makeup, as the name suggests, is all about shimmery and sparkly cosmetics that make you shine. Smokey Makeup; Smokey makeup works…
Eye Makeup Products Generally Eye Makeup Products are used around the eye to enhance the appearance of the eyes and to emphasize the beauty of the eyes. Additionally they include such products as eye-shadow, eye-liner, eye-brow products, and other products that can help to enhance and accent the eyes. In the same vein For ingredient and safety information on eye makeup products, use the links below. Mascara Generally Mascaras are products intended to enhance the appearance of the eyes by thickening, lengthening, and usually darkening the eyelashes. Similarly they are usually applied with a brush. Eye Makeup Remover Eyes products are intended to help easily remove makeup that has been applied. In addition they help to remove the applied color and to make sure it easily wipes off using a tissue or other cloth. Eye Color Generally Eye Color products are intended to apply color in the area of the eye to enhance and accent the appearance of the eyes. Similarly these products such as Eyeshadow are applied on the eyelids and unde Eyeliner Eyeliners are products that apply color to the area around the eyes to accent and highlight appearance of the eyes. Additionally they are used to emphasize…
Eye Primer
Eye Primer In Kenya What is the use of eye primer? When used underneath the eyes, eyeshadow primer can serve two purposes: it can help prevent your concealer from creasing and make it last longer. Additionally Since the technology behind eye primers prevents your eyeshadows from creasing, the same principle applies to the skin underneath your eyes, as well. Most face primers contain silicone or water, which makes them smooth to touch, which helps them fill out pores and blur imperfections. Eye primers, on the other hand, feel slightly tackier and contain a slight grip to help make your eye product of choice last. Eyeshadow Primer Alternatives You Already Have at Home Aloe Vera Gel. You might be saying “huh?” but trust us, this is a miracle worker in itself. … Concealer. Grab that little bottle from your makeup bag and spring into action! … Highlighter. We aren’t talking about the neon yellow variety! … White Eyeliner Pencil. … Foundation and Powder. … Lip Gloss. Where To Buy And How To Shop; In conclusion,You can shop for our products online. Additionally We have a safe check out system. In addition we can deliver our products anywhere in the world. This is through global couriers. Our clients can also visit…
Eyebrow Makeup
Eyebrow Makeup Products More than any other piece of makeup, Eyebrow makeup has the ability to drastically impact your appearance. Just changing the shape, length or opacity of your brows has the ability to change your expression, easily making eyebrows the focal point of your entire makeup look. Eyebrow makeup aid in making you look rested: when you apply makeups to your eyebrow it aids in giving you a rested look even when you are feeling very tired. This makes eyebrow makeup very beneficial to all. Gives you a youthful look: they make your eyes come out and gives you a younger look. No other facial makeup can cut it for eyebrow makeup. Aids in the framing of the eyes: when you apply appropriately , your eyes get strengthen and refresh. You will have to find the appropriate eyebrow makeup that fits your face perfectly by examining your face and eye shape. In the same vein it improves your look: A well-maintained brow can establish a great look which will definitely enhance your appearance. Even without a drop of makeup, a woman with well-kept eyebrows will always look more clean and neat. Additionally they provides you with a calm and accurately balanced face No human…
Eyeshadows In Kenya Eye shadows are cosmetics applied on the eyelids and under the eyes. It is commonly used to make the wearer’s eyes stand out or look more attractive. Eyeshadows come in many different colors and textures. It is usually made from a powder and mica, but can also be found in liquid, pencil, cream or mousse form. Just like other trends, eyeshadow looks also have trends.Applying eyeshadow primer before you apply other makeup is the best way to make your shadow look more pigmented. Squeeze a dime-size amount of primer onto your eyelid. Then, rub in the primer using your index and middle finger. Dab the primer at the lash line, then slowly work up to your eyebrow Generally If you want to bring out the clarity in your eyes, try deep purple or bronzy golds. To make your brown eyes look lighter, try a mossy green eye shadow. For eyes that dazzle, choose eye makeup in cool hues like charcoal or silver. Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can shop for our products online. We have a safe check out system. In addition we can deliver our products anywhere in the world. This is through global couriers. Our clients can also visit our stores to purchase our products. The advantage of this is that our attedants will…
Eyeshadow Palletes
Eyeshadow Palettes In Kenya Eyeshadow palettes are easy to use when you have the right information.n hand. But cracking the color code doesn’t require a degree in Art History, or even makeup artist credentials. All you need are the right eyeshadow brushes and a propensity for color. Scroll on for our complete guide on how to use an eyeshadow palette, and get ready to swipe right. Here’s how to use an eyeshadow palette in 8 different ways: To Fill in Your Eyebrows. You don’t have to invest in fancy eyebrow products to achieve textbook brows. … To Highlight Your Eyes. … For Contouring the Eye Socket. … To Contour Your Cheekbones. … As a Wet Eyeliner. … Dry Eyeliner. … As a Cheek Highlighter. … As a Nude Lipstick. What Color Goes Where? While eyeshadow palettes may look like a kaleidoscope packed in a small box, there’s order to even the wildest variety of shades. Most eyeshadow palettes come in three categories of colors: lights, mediums, and dark shades. Where to Apply Light Colors Think of the lightest shades as mini spotlights for the grand stage that is your makeup look. Just as our favorite highlighters go on the tops of your features, the light shades should…
False Lashes
False Lashes In Kenya Choosing Your Shape If you have smaller eyes and your goal is to elongate, look for lashes that are thicker in the outer corner. This will add lift and length. For eyes that are wide set or have little or no crease, concentrate your lashes in the center of the eye. This will really open the eye up. For deep-set eyes, you want to use longer lash strips so you can really lengthen the eye. Sizing Your Lashes If you are using a strip, size them to your eye and then trim them down with cuticle scissors. Strips that are too long are incredibly hard to maneuver. Putting Them On First, squeeze a drop of Duo adhesive on the back of your hand and use a cuticle stick to lightly dab on the glue to the lash. Wait about 15 seconds for the glue to get tacky, then lay the strip on the outer edge of your eye, as close to the lash line as possible. Make sure the angle of your false lashes is the same as the angle of your own lashes. Use 1-2 coats of mascara to blend. Taking Them Off When it…
Lash And Brow Enhancer
Lash And Brow Enhancers In Kenya Lash And Brow Enhancers are products that specifically care for eye brows and eye lashes. They include serums and oils to enhance the growth of eyelashes. Lash and brow serums are the best investment for those who want to get the brows and lashes they’ve always envied! They contain active ingredients like vitamin B5, proteins and natural extracts to nourish and condition the follicles for lusciously soft lashes. Targeting and working with the natural hair cycle, they can do absolute wonders for those sparse brows that you feared would never grow back! You simply apply the serums along the lash line and within just weeks you will notice a huge difference! Not only you but also others will see that your lashes look fuller and longer! They are very simple to use and yet so effective! How Long Do Eyebrows Take to Grow Back? For a healthy adult, a tweezed eyebrow hair will grow back in an average of 64 days. … Eyebrow hair follicles are very sensitive to injury, and repeated plucking can permanently damage the hair root. If that’s the case, then it’s time to call in extra help. How can I stimulate my eyelashes to grow? No falsies required. Firstly Use Olive Oil.…
Mascara In Kenya We rounded up some little known tips and facts about Mascara, so you can really get the most out of your magical little wand. 1. It doesn’t last forever This might come as a shock to most, but mascara actually does expire. The average life span is about 3-5 months, so after that, get rid of your old product. Otherwise, you’re risking bacterial infections, and no one wants that. 2. Keep the wand It may be imperative to toss expired mascara, but saving the wand is actually something you should do. Wash the wand and use it as a “spoolie” brush to help groom your brows. 3. Take it off Sometimes we get too tired to wipe our makeup off before we go to bed, but leaving mascara on your lashes overnight does more harm than you know. When the mascara dries overnight, it can cause your lashes to fall off, and a stiff lash can actually scratch your cornea while you’re sleeping. 4. Turn up the volume We love a voluminous lash, so to get the best out of your mascara, powder your lashes using baby powder and a cotton swab before application for an extra lush look. 5. Moisturize…
FACIAL MAKEUP PRODUCTS The Correct Order To Apply Facial Makeup Products : Primer & Color Corrector. … : Foundation. … : Concealer. … : Blush, Bronzer, & Highlighter. … : Eyeshadow, Eyeliner, & Mascara. … : Eyebrows. … : Lips. … : Translucent Powder or Setting Spray. When it comes to how to apply facial makeup like a pro, there is a general order you should use products to achieve the most beautiful end look. So, if you’ve ever wondered whether you should apply concealer before or after foundation, you’ve come to the right place. Not sure how to apply makeup in the right order? Keep reading to learn the best order to apply face makeup, eye makeup, and lip color, plus get product recommendations for our best foundation for dry skin, best mascara for volume and length, and more. HOW TO PREP YOUR FACE FOR MAKEUP Before we get into the best order to apply your makeup, it’s important to work your way through your skin care routine. You don’t need to spend a ton of time on your skin care routine, but there are a few simple steps you should take to ensure your skin is ready for makeup. Below, three skin care steps…
Blush Products In Kenya Blush is a cosmetic for coloring the cheeks in varying shades or the lips red. Expertly applied it can shape and define your face, creating the illusion of cheekbones that don’t exist—and it’s easier to do than you think: … To create higher cheekbones: Choose a contouring powder or a matte bronzer a shade or two darker than your skin. In a nutshell, blush is used to add a flush of color to the cheeks, while bronzer is intended to make the skin look sun-kissed or tan. As a result, blush tends to come in variations of pink (sometimes with peach or plum undertones), where bronzer is typically brown or gold in color. Additionally it adds a healthy glow to your skin. It makes the skin look flushed without the need to spend an hour at the gym to achieve the same result. Bronzer: Adding warmth to your skin tone is achieved by using a bronzer. Sweep your blush from the ear down the cheekbone towards the mouth. Add a little touch of blush to the chin and blend it well to make your face appear longer. Oblong/long faces – Apply blush on cheekbones below the outer corners of the eyes and blend well. Be sure the blush never extends lower than the tip of the nose. Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can shop for our products online. We…
Concealers In Kenya A Concealer is like a magic eraser in your makeup case that helps you fake a fresh-faced look–even if you‘re desperately in need of sleep. It can hide blemishes, even out your skin tone, and keep under-eye circles under wraps. The chief difference is that foundation is applied all over your face to even out your complexion, while concealer is used as spot treatment. On the other hand, you’ll usually want to select a concealer that’s slightly lighter than your skin to effectively brighten up dark spots and eye circles. For the under- eye area, be sure to select a shade of concealer that’s no more than one or two shades lighter than your natural skin tone to avoid an obvious white circle around the eye area. For your face, select a concealer that matches the color of your foundation exactly. You can totally wear concealers without foundation—here’s how. Concealer is kind of like your favorite skin-care serum: You can‘t really see it, but it does some heavy lifting behind the scenes. Once blended under your foundation, it chameleons those uninvited pimples, dark spots, or bits of redness away. Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can shop for our products online. We have a safe check out system. In addition we can deliver our products anywhere in the world. This is through global couriers.…
Face Palette
Face Palettes In Kenya Firstly Face palette uses your own natural beauty to luminize, bronze, and add the perfect flirty flush. Secondly these mostly velvety-soft formula is infused with hydrating coconut butter and includes multidimensional shades that can be worn all over the face to take your natural beauty game to the next level. Thirdly it can also be used to tone down any makeup that is too much of a warm tone for your skin. White: The white is for highlighting. Around the eyes, to highlight the brow or just above the cheekbones to really make an overall look ‘pop’. Generally Face palettes should contain at least 8 shade options. This will ensure that it has all the shade options you should be looking for. The shades you should find in a contour palette are: Yellow Green Pink White Nude Skin tones Lavender What Face Pallets do: Fall in love with the first face palette that uses your own natural beauty to luminize, add a bronzing veil, and create a flirty flush—making all your effortless beauty dreams come true. Similarly these velvety-soft formula is infused with hydrating coconut butter and includes multidimensional shades that can be worn all over the face to take your…
Foundation Products In Kenya Foundation is a liquid or powder makeup applied to the face to create an even, uniform color to the complexion, cover flaws and, sometimes, to change the natural skin tone. Some also function as a moisturizer,sunscreen, astringent or base layer for more complex cosmetics. If you struggle with applying your foundation for a natural look, don’t worry, it’s a common problem. You’ll need to prepare your skin for makeup first by cleansing and applying a moisturizer. You can also add primer and concealer or color-corrector too. When applying foundation, you want to start with a small amount and apply it to the center of your face, blending outward. Be sure to choose the perfect shade, take your time to apply it the right way, then set your foundation for a flawless look. Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can shop for our products online. We have a safe check out system. In addition we can deliver our products anywhere in the world. This is through global couriers. Our clients can also visit our stores to purchase our products. The advantage of this is that our attendants will give advise and free consultation. Whichever way you opt, you are welcome to try out…
Highlighters And Contouring
Highlighters And Contouring In Kenya What do we mean by Highlighters and Contouring? Contouring is where you use makeup to shape and outline your facial structure and facial features. Highlighting is where you lighten your face to emphasize features like your eyes or cheekbones.When you use the technique of highlighting, you’re doing the opposite of contouring. The areas that have this lighter shade or shimmer will be accentuated and more pronounced. By applying a highlighter or using a stroking effect, you can help emphasize the areas of your face that naturally catch the light. Contouring is a makeup technique that uses cosmetics to define, enhance and sculpt the structure of the face or other body parts, such as breasts.Before you apply contour makeup, apply a foundation the same color as your skin all over your face. Choose a foundation or concealer that’s a few shades lighter than your normal skin tone and apply it anywhere the sun would naturally hit, like the center of your forehead and the apples of your cheeks. Sitting alongside contouring, highlighting enhances your natural facial structure through subtle makeup. Highlight along your forehead, cheekbones, and bridge of your nose. Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can shop for our products online. We have a safe check out system. In addition we can deliver our products anywhere in…
Primers In Kenya What are Primers? Makeup primers are a base for foundation or face makeup that allows it to go on smoother and last longer. Formulas are available in cream, gel and powder. Primers create an extra layer between your skin and makeup. Priming products are predominantly used to help makeup last longer, smooth the skin’s surface, and even out the skin tone.Look for primers with words like “hydrating,” “soothing,” or “replenishing.” Pick a mattifying primer if you have oily skin. If you struggle with excess oil and shine, you want to combat this with your primer. To do so, your best bet is a great mattifying primer that will reduce your skin’s oil production. If you’re using makeup to help blur out things like acne or wrinkles, then primers can help your foundation work harder to achieve that. … For situations like those, primers are necessary. There are water-based and silicon-based foundation primers. Ingredients may include cyclomethicone and dimethicone. Some primers do not contain preservative, oil or fragrance. Some may also have sun protection factor (SPF). Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can shop for our products online. We have a safe check out system. In addition we can deliver our products anywhere in the world. This is through global couriers. Our clients can also visit our stores to purchase our products. The advantage…
Setting Sprays And Powders
Setting Sprays And Powders What are setting sprays and powders? A setting spray is a liquid misted onto the skin through an atomizer. While setting powder is used to absorb oil all over or just in key areas.While powders tend to work better for oily skin and setting sprays for dry skin, if you really want to set your makeup and extend the life of your makeup, I recommend using both a loose powder and a setting spray. How to Apply Setting Spray It’s important to hold the spray at least 14 inches from your face, as you don’t want large water droplets to mess with your makeup With your eyes closed, spritz the center of your face, then again over your forehead Finish with two more sprays for the sides of your face, and one last time on your chin and neck Once it dries, you’re set to go Dust setting powder under your eyes to catch any excess eye-shadow. Before applying eye-shadow, eyeliner, or mascara, brush a heavy coating of powder over the area below your eye and above your cheekbone. After finishing your eye makeup, use a clean brush to dust the setting powder away. Setting powder should be applied after your foundation and concealer but before other powder makeup such as blush or bronzer. Setting sprays absolutely make a difference in the wear of your makeup. They prolong the life…
Lip Makeup Products Lip make up forms an important part of the whole face make up. An attractive pair of lips is tempting and has a vital role in making you look attractive and beautiful. Colors used for lip make-up needs to be chosen with great care. Generally This post will be a primer on the different products available for Lip make up. In the same vein you can choose the best one for you depending on the occasion and the need. Different Lip Makeup Types 1. Tinted Lip Balm: These products are lip balms basically but they have some colour added to them which serves are a tint. In addition they give the most natural result. It is applied directly from the container. This is great for dry winter lips. 2. Lip Gloss: Generally lip gloss Gives Instant Shine and glam to your lips. Basic lip gloss is a liquid formula and has less staying power than lipstick. In the same vein You will have to keep reapplying the gloss to your lips. Color choices run from clear to black. It’s applied to bare lips or on top of already applied lip makeup (lip liner alone or lip liner plus…
Lip Balms & Treatments
Lip Balms & Treatments In Kenya What are Lip Balms & Treatments? Firstly Lip balm or lip salve is a wax-like substance applied topically to the lips to moisturize and relieve chapped or dry lips, angular cheilitis, stomatitis, or cold sores. Secondly Lip balm often contains beeswax or carnauba wax, camphor, cetyl alcohol, lanolin, paraffin, and petrolatum, among other ingredients. Therefore Lip treatment on the other hand is for healing cracked or chapped lips. THE FOUR CRUCIAL ELEMENTS OF AN EFFECTIVE CHAPPED LIPS TREATMENT When your lips reach next-level dry and become cracked or chapped, simple fixes like a swish of lip balm or a big glass of water, aren’t likely to be enough. Next time you are looking for a chapped lips cure, follow our simple four step guide below. Cracked lips aren’t likely to be repaired in a single day but, with a bit of discipline, patience and persistence, you can replenish the health of your lips. 1. DRINK PLENTY OF FLUIDS Additionally Keep up your water intake. Your lips are one of the first places to show dryness when you are dehydrated. Loading up on water-dense veggies will help boost your hydration levels as well. 2. COVER YOUR LIPS WITH AN EMOLLIENT (MOISTURE LOCKING) LIP BALM…
Lip Gloss & Stains
Lip Gloss & Stains In Kenya What is Lip Gloss & Stains? Lip Stains were a precursor to liquid lipsticks, as they, too, are a liquid. The difference is that a stain is heavily pigmented but sheer, so your lips will be tinted, but still show through the product. Think a popsicle stain. They are very thin so they feel light on the lips, and the color clings for hours until it wears off. Stains are great for casual wear that you don’t have to constantly check up on or reapply. Also, many lip stains double as cheek tints (that being said, you can also use lipstick as a cream blush.) A Lip Gloss packs a high-shine finish that can be just as glamorous as a matte lip. They are usually the most comfortable and moisturizing on the lip, though because of that high moisture content, can be the easiest to rub off.If you do want a more moisturizing product, a glossy or high shine finish will be the way to go, with the understanding that they don’t have the best staying power. Hydrating and glossy lipsticks are comfortable, but because of the high moisture content, it’s going to be easier for them…
Lipstick In Kenya Lipstick is a cosmetic product containing pigments, oils, waxes, and emollients that applies color, texture, and protection to the lips. Many varieties of lipstick exist. As with most other types of makeup, lipstick is typically, but not exclusively, worn by women. The use of lipstick dates back to ancient times. Lipsticks are soluble in toluene, so toluene serves as the mobile phase. After separation, the chromatogram is complete and illustrates the different pigments that make up a particular color of lipstick. Liquid Lipsticks are the newest and fastest growing formula. Though the each formula differs, liquids are typically known for full opacity and all day wear. They apply, as the name indicates, as a liquid, but unlike traditional lipsticks. Matte lipsticks reflect less light (that is, they’re not glossy). They give the lip a luxurious, velvety finish, which helps the color appear more rich and vibrant. Matte lipsticks typically last longer since they are less emollient, making them harder to rub off. The downside is that some matte formulas can be a bit drying, or at least feel drying during wear. Satin lipsticks can also be referred to as demi-matte, or the middle ground between a matte and glossy finish.…
Liquid Lipstick
Liquid Lipsticks In Kenya Liquid Lipsticks are the newest and fastest growing formula. Though the each formula differs, liquids are typically known for full opacity and all day wear. They apply, as the name indicates, as a liquid, but unlike traditional lipsticks, they fully dry down on the lip to a velvety finish that doesn’t budge. Their packaging is similar to that of a lip gloss, as they are in a tube and applied with a wand with a doe foot applicator on the tip. If you want a bulletproof lip, a liquid is the way to go. Because they dry down and wear well for so long, some formulas can tend to be a little drying. I know that everyone looks for product that is a comfortable, moisturizing and long wearing, but the truth is, those two things don’t always go together. A lot of the critiques about long-wearing lipsticks is that they’re drying; that’s unfortunately part of what makes them stay. Whether it’s a traditional lipstick or a liquid, if you want long-lasting color, you’re going to have to sacrifice a little bit of moisture to get it. If you do want a more moisturizing product, a glossy or…
Genereal Skin Care Products
Skin Care Products In Kenya Moisturizers help treat your skin when it’s dry and prevent it from drying out again. Most moisturizers are water-based lotions, creams, gels and serums. They contain ingredients that draw water into the skin (humectants) — such as glycerin, lactic acid or urea — and others that smooth the skin (emollients) — such as lanolin, sunflower oil and jojoba oil Skin Smothers boost hydration. They are mainly Lotions and creams. Similarly these oily products can plump up some of the dead skin cells and provide a smoother-feeling texture by adding an oily layer to the surface. Skin Toners removes any last traces of dirt, grime and impurities stuck in your pores . When added to your daily skincare routine and used regularly, it can have major positive impact on the appearance and tightness of your pores (hello, aging skin). Face masks work by driving ingredients closer and deeper into the skin, infusing your pores and allowing the skin to soak up more of the product. Face masks can have the immediate effect that people are looking for, so although it may be temporary, it can give you a boost or glow for an event Exfoliating Body scrub works to clear away dry and dead skin cells, leaving skin refreshed, brightened and oh so soft and smooth. … An exfoliating body scrub is often the best way…
Eye Care
Eye Bags/ Dark Circles Products In Kenya The effects of aging on skin can have a particularly dramatic effect around the eyes. Eye Bags/ Dark Circles occur when fluid builds underneath eyes causing them to appear puffy.The dark circles you see may be shadows cast by puffy eyelids As we age, skin slows its manufacturing of collagen and its ability to replenish itself. This is more evident around the eyes because the skin in this area is already thin, so additional thinning and the loss of elasticity will leave the skin even thinner and prone to dark circles and sagging or wrinkling. Always make a good night’s sleep a priority. Sleep energizes every part of your body and is essential for its ability to replenish itself. Stick to a regular schedule and aim for 8 hours per night. Cutting out caffeine in the afternoons, avoiding bright computer and TV screens prior to bedtime, and regular nighttime rituals – like a good skincare routine – will help you sleep more restfully. Always wear sunglasses when outdoors to protect both your eyes and the delicate skin under your eyes from damaging UV rays. Sun damage is one of the top causes of…
Acne Skin Care Products
Acne Treatment Products In Kenya Acne commonly starts during puberty between the ages of 10 and 13 and tends to be worse in people with oily skin. Teenage acne usually lasts for five to 10 years, normally going away during the early 20s. It occurs in both sexes, although teenage boys tend to have the most severe cases. If you’re past your teenage and your acne doesn’t go away, you need to think about the best Acne Treatment Products. How do you know if you have hormonal acne? You’re no longer in your teen years. … Your pimples pop up around your chin and jawline. … Your breakouts occur once a month. … You’re seriously stressed. … You’re dealing with painful cysts (versus blackheads and whiteheads).How Do I Stop Pimples On My Face Firstly,Properly wash your face. That is because to help prevent pimples, it’s important to remove excess oil, dirt, and sweat daily. .Secondly Its good to Know your skin type. Anyone can get pimples, no matter their skin type. Thirdly you should always Moisturize your skin and stay hydrated. If the situation get out of hand you can use over-the-counter acne treatments. Most importantly you should limit makeup and avoid touching your face anyhowly.…
Face Masks
Face Masks In Kenya Having oily skin can be really frustrating. It’s hard to keep it clean, or to keep it feeling like it’s clean. Face masks can be helpful for pulling oil out of the skin. They also make your face look and feel cleaner. However they can be expensive if you use them regularly. The medical term for oily skin is seborrhea. It’s caused by excess sebum, or skin oil which makes your skin look greasy. Face masks can help treat and decrease oily skin by absorbing and cleansing the oils from our skin’s surface Oily skin is mostly caused by hormones. Similarly that is why it shows up during puberty. An increase in androgen levels during puberty boosts oil production. At times it may disappear once puberty is over. However some people are stuck with oily skin. THIS IS HOW TO PREVENT OILY SKIN Wash regularly. Washing with warm water and a gentle soap can reduce the amount of oil on the skin. … Additionally,Use a toner. Astringent toners that contain alcohol tend to dry out the skin. … Pat the face dry. … Furthermore you can use blotting papers and medicated pads. … Use a facial mask. … Finally you can apply moisturizers.Where…
Face Smoother Body Scrub And Skin Exfoliates
Body Scrub And Skin Exfoliates In Kenya What are Body Scrub And Skin Exfoliates? Put simply, a body scrub is a skin care product whose primary function is to remove dead skin cells through exfoliation as well as cleanse the skin and increase the body’s blood circulation. Sometimes a body scrub is referred to as a body exfoliate, body gloss or body polish. The exfoliating component needs to be abrasive enough to achieve this but not too strong so as not to damage healthy skin. BENEFITS OF A BODY SCRUB If you’re not using a body scrub then you’re missing out on a number of benefits that other skin care products don’t provide. So just what are the ? Essentially the benefits of using a body scrub are the removal of dead skin cells from the body and impurities, leaving you feeling fresh and your skin looking rejuvenated and revitalized. Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can shop for our products online. We have a safe check out system. In addition we can deliver our products anywhere in the world. This is through global couriers. Our clients can also visit our stores to purchase our products. The advantage of this is that our…
Massage Oils
Best Massage Oils In Kenya Firstly Massage is the practice of rubbing and kneading the body using the hands. Secondly during a massage, a massage therapist will apply gentle or strong pressure to the muscles and joints of the body to ease pain and tension. Thirdly a massage therapist is a person trained in giving. Now, this is where masseuse needs the Best Massage Oils. Generally it is delivered to improve the flow of blood and lymph (fluid in lymph glands, part of immune system), to reduce muscular tension or flaccidity, to affect the nervous system through stimulation or sedation, and to enhance tissue healing. Generally Sweet almond oil is one of the most popular among therapists. Extracted from almonds, is pale yellow. Similarly it is slightly oily, which allows hands to glide easily over skin. Additionally it absorbs fairly quickly, but not so quickly that you need to keep reapplying it. In summary others include Apricot Kernel (Prunis armeniaca seed fixed ) Coconut and Jojoba Oils. Where To Buy And How To Shop; Finally you can shop for our products online. We have a safe check out system. In addition we can deliver our products anywhere in the world. This is through global couriers. In the same vein our clients can also visit our stores…
Scars & Dark Spots Removers
Scrub For Oily And Dry Skin
Skin Cleansers
Skin Cleansers In Kenya Firstly skin cleansers are formulated to clean our skin. Secondly these are products we use to remove normal accumulation of dirt and oils, makeup, sunscreen, remains of pollution, and dead skin cells. Thirdly they aid in unclogging pores and exfoliation of the top skin cells. Their main role is to clean our skin without stripping the top layer. Generally they come in different forms, and it’s helpful to choose the one that best works for your skin type and your lifestyle. Cleanser can be anything from “micellar waters, foaming gels, creams, balms, oils to wipes. TYPES OF CLEANSERS -Waterless Facial Cleansers -Rinseable Facial Cleansers Generally cleaning your face should be an integral part of your skin care routine. Cleansing helps remove excess oil, makeup, sweat, dirt and dead skin cells from your skin. It refreshes your skin and gives your complexion a chance to breathe. It also creates a clean foundation for you to apply products like face moisturizer or makeup. Different people have different skin types — and those skin types have varying needs. Where To Buy And How To Shop; Finally you can shop for our products online. We have a safe check out…
Skin Firming
Skin Firmers In Kenya Generally everything from genetics to age including diet and fitness can impact skin density and elasticity. So, the solution to loose skin or dimpling isn’t always one-size-fits-all. That said, there are a number of Skin Firmers with innovative ingredients that are designed to give skin an added boost. Firstly there are lotions that contain a powerful mix of glycolic acid and moisturizing ingredients to exfoliate, hydrate and plump the skin. They may also contain caffeine that produces an immediate tightening effect. Similarly there are serums that contain a unique blend of ingredients to reduce puffiness, tighten and hydrate. Similarly the ingredients are micro-encapsulated so they are slowly released throughout the day From aiding the production of collagen and elastin, to neutralizing free radicals, read on for five expert-approved firming lotions. With regular use, they can soften and smooth skin just in time for that next trip or the big event. There are pills that provide the necessary Collagen for the general wellness of the skin. They will leave you with a youthful glowing skin that you have always dreamt of. Here Are Ways Through Which You Can Have A Firm Skin; Maintain your weight Eat a healthy diet Quit smoking…
Skin Moisturizers
Skin Moisturizers In Kenya Generally Most Skin moisturizers are water-based lotions, creams, gels and serums. They contain ingredients that draw water into the skin (humectants) — such as glycerin, lactic acid or urea — and others that smooth the skin (emollients) — such as lanolin, sunflower oil and jojoba oil. Their basic function is to help treat your skin when it’s dry and prevent it from drying out again. Similarly They do this by holding water in the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the skin. But they have other functions as well. They can help protect you from the environment — applying them creates a barrier on your skin that keeps oils from escaping and harmful outside elements from causing dryness or irritation People with normal skin need a light moisturizer that contains natural oils. People with dry skin may require heavier lotions with humectants to lock in moisture. For those with oily skin, there are oil-free, noncomedogenic moisturizers. These particular ones won’t clog pores. And people with sensitive skin should look for moisturizers that are fragrance-free and contain few ingredients. However, avoid moisturizing your face with the lotion you use on your body. This is because it could cause skin irritation or breakouts. The…
Skin Sunscreen Gels/
Sunscreen Products In Kenya Sunscreen is a product that you put on your skin to protect it from the sun’s UV rays. But it’s important to know that sunscreen is just a filter – it does not block all UV rays. Some cosmetics, such as moisturizers, lipsticks, and foundations, are considered sunscreen products if they have sunscreen. There are however many Sunscreen Products in our stores. When choosing a Sunscreen, its important to go for a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB radiation. Make sure it is water resistant and has a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher. Other types of sunscreen may help prevent sunburn, but they will not protect against skin cancer. UV radiation rays, which are more energetic than visible light, have the potential to damage skin cell DNA and lead to skin cancer. UVA has the ability to penetrate through the epidermis, dermis and enter the hypodermis. UVB penetrates completely through the epidermis and slightly into the dermis. How to protect your skin from the sun Use sunscreen every day, even if it’s cloudy. Apply at least one ounce of sunscreen (enough to fill a shot glass) at least 15 to 30 minutes before going outside. … Choose a broad spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB radiation. … Reapply sunscreen every two hours.Where To…
Skin Toners
Skin Toners In Kenya A skin toner or simply toner refers to a lotion or wash designed to cleanse the skin and shrink the appearance of pores, usually used on the face. It also moisturizes, protects and refreshes the skin. Toners can be applied to the skin in different ways. Toners are not only your last step of cleansing before you go into treatment mode on your skin, but they can work wonders to shrink pores, minimize acne, and balance your pH levels. But what exactly is a toner, and why do you need one? It’s typically a water-based liquid (sometimes a gel), that’s swiped on after you wash your face, but before you apply the rest of your serums. Toners provide a quick hit of hydration while removing dead skin cells. This step in your skincare routine essentially preps your skin to absorb the benefits of the products that you will layer on after. You do need to find the right fit for your skin type in order to get the best results. Have oily or combination skin? An astringent might be the best option for you — just keep in mind that they often contain alcohol. If you have dry or sensitive skin, an alcohol-free toner will treat your skin without dehydrating it. Where To Buy And…
Stretch Marks Removal
Stretch Mark Removal Products In Kenya Stretch Marks Removal Products remove scars that develop when our skin stretches or shrinks quickly. The change causes the collagen and elastin to rupture. Stretch marks fade with time; however,Stretch Marks Removal Products may make them less noticeable more quickly. Not everyone develops these narrow bands on their skin. Fluctuating hormone levels seem to play a role. You may also have a higher risk if people in your family get stretch marks. If you develop stretch marks, you’re most likely to do so during these times: Growth spurts that happen in puberty Pregnancy Rapid weight loss or gain Weight training when you have rapid muscle growth Applying a corticosteroid to your skin for a long time can also cause stretch marks. If you have Cushing’s disease or Marfan syndrome, you may see stretch marks. When stretch marks first appear, they tend to be red, purple, pink, reddish-brown, or dark brown, depending on your skin color. Early stretch marks may feel slightly raised and can be itchy. In time, the color fades and the narrow bands sink beneath your skin. If you run your finger over a mature stretch mark, you often feel a slight…
Warts And Papillomas Removal
Warts And Papillomas Removal Products In Kenya Whether a papilloma lump or lesion needs treatment depends on its location and whether it is causing problems there. There are many Warts And Papillomas Removal products. A papilloma is often harmless and does not require treatment. A doctor will likely not even discover internal papillomas unless they encounter the wart while investigating another issue. Additionally when a papilloma does need treatment, it is by destruction or removal. Skin papilloma treatment Doctors can freeze, burn, or cut away papillomas. Doctors can treat warts on the skin using the following methods: cautery, which involves burning off the tissue and then scraping it away using curettage excision, in which a doctor surgically removes the papilloma laser surgery, a procedure that destroys the wart using high-energy light from a laser cryotherapy, or freezing off the tissue applying liquid nitrogen onto warts or injecting them into the papilloma Doctors might prescribe others, depending on the type of wart. Breast papilloma treatment A doctor can easily remove a papilloma of the breast and send it for a biopsy. These tests can confirm that it is a benign growth. They might not completely remove the breast papillomas. Instead, a sample…
Up-care /Anti-Aging products
Best Anti Aging Products In Kenya Firstly the tone and even the appearance of people’s skin changes as they age. This happens what the’re eating not withstanding. The correct definition of anti-aging is to delay, stop or retard the aging process. Our bodies are made of cells. Secondly when there is cell death, aging occurs. As an infant, child and young adults our body’s cells are strong, resilient and can make new cells. Thirdly our body’s ability to generate new cells diminishes as years advance. Cell death occurs and the aging process ensues. Ways to reduce premature skin aging Protect your skin from the sun every day. … Apply self-tanner rather than get a tan. … If you smoke, stop. … Avoid repetitive facial expressions. … Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. … Drink less alcohol. … Exercise most days of the week. … Cleanse your skin gently. In our stores have a wide range of anti aging products. Our anti aging products range from world class Sunscreen creams to magical skin anti wrinkle creams that work within days. We also have in stock supplements in form of pills that provide the requisite support to the skin to regenerate cells. Add that to serums for dark sports and scars not forgetting…
Anti Aging Creams Kenya Ati aging is delaying or stopping the aging process. There are many anti aging products in the market. Herein though under the anti aging creams in Kenya we are going to look at the ones we have in our store. They vary in quantity and also the brands. The first product is Bioxelan . It nourishes, moisturizes, repairs, protects and relaxes your skin complexion. Hydroface cream reduces wrinkles and fine lines. It aslo increases elasticity and firmness in the skin. It also gets rid of aging signs around the eye areas. Miragloss skin lightening cream is a fast-acting skin whitening cream. It creates a luminous glow and helps diminish the appearance of visible freckles, spots, acne scars and other blemishes. NeoEyes Cream has rejuvenating ingredients. They saturate the delicate aging skin of the eyelids with tons of enzymes and vitamins. This increases collagen production and additionally boosts the replenishment of damaged skin tissues. Bioretin Cream is the other product. It provides a powerful antioxidant effect and prevents destruction of healthy cells. It also reduces puffiness and swelling under the eyes. Bioretin has a peeling effect and it evens out the skin tone. Liftoskin Cream improves skin radiance, youthfulness and…
Bleaching Products In Kenya Skin-lightening procedures are performed to subdue the effect of hyper-pigmentation. Bleaching Products reduce the amount of melanin in your skin to lighten the dark patches. Home remedies to lighten your skin include things like yogurt and Gram Flour. ..Papaya and Oranges. …Honey and Lemon. …Aloe Vera Gel. …Turmeric and also Cucumber. Bleaching is very possible without harming your skin. If you want products without mercury and Hydroquinone in Kenya, we have safe Glutathione pills that will safely and naturally peel your melanin without harming you in any way. If you don’t want something to swallow we have skin lightening soaps plus creams that work quite well. The best whitening products should whiten your skin naturally and we do have them in our stores. Bleaching creams too work quite well when you apply and follow directives correctly. Bleaching injections are just as good if not better but they are a little bit pricier…but why not? Glutathione Skin lightening or whitening treatment involves a process where glutathione is administered via IV. It is therefore able to deposit evenly throughout the body where glutathione swops up the oxidative damaged cells. It then lightens your skin naturally, safely, evenly and in a healthy manner. Its good to have…
Bioxelan Hydroface Miragloss Liftoskin In Kenya Bioxelan Skin Renewal– has benefits like nourishing, moisturizing, repairing, protecting and relaxing your skin complexion. Additionally it reduces fine lines and pores but may cause rashes on the skin & itchy skin. Additionally it improves the condition of your skin hence bringing it much-needed relief from various forms of skin irritation. Hydroface Cream- Reduces wrinkles & fine lines. It also increases elasticity & firmness in the skin. There is a specific formulation for wrinkles and moisturizing the skin. There is also a formulation for the different skin aging signs in the eye area. It is available in our bioxelan hydroface miragloss liftoskin in kenya category. Milagross is a fast-acting skin whitening cream that creates a luminous glow and helps diminish the appearance of visible freckles, spots, acne scars and other blemishes. MiraGloss skin lightening system is a blend of powerful ingredients intended to produce good results while also providing the skin with the protection and nourishment it needs daily Liftoskin- is a safe and potent skincare formula. It is a fast acting product which delivers the desired results and they last for long. It improves skin radiance, youthfulness and attractiveness We also have scar serums and various scar removers…
Glutathione Injections In Kenya Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from disease and fights free radicals. They can also help in reducing inflammatory problems. Its injections are not only safe but they are beneficial to our body. This agent injections in Kenya helps eliminate toxins from the body and also supports the central nervous system. As an antioxidant it also aids in fertility and supports a healthy and strong immune system. Glutathione is a potent ingredient when it comes to skin lightening or skin lightening. This is because it has melanogenic effects. It converts melanin to a lighter color and deactivates the enzyme tyrosinase which helps produce the pigment. As we talk about glutathione injections in Kenya, its good to mention that we also have its tablets and pills. Just like intravenous glutathione they are good in whitening the skin. A growing number of women around the world are turning to intravenous glutathione to reduce blemishes or for skin lightening or even for both. Its collagen and creams are the other bleaching products that you will find in our store that work well when combined with specific skin whitening pill. When using Glutathione Injection though its important to seek…
Glutathione Bleaching Pills Kenya Glutathione is a compound involved as a coenzyme in oxidation or reduction reactions in cells. It is a tripeptide derived from glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine. As we look at Glutathione bleaching pills in Kenya therefore we are referring to pills made from Gluthathione. There is Glutamax contains a reduced form of glutathione for maximum skin whitening. It whitens the skin evenly because it has 75mg of ascorbate added in each capsule to enhance the effect. It also promotes liver metabolism to generate and increase the body’s glutathione supply. We have Glutawhite Supreme 500MG Pills which is basically a skin whitening and anti aging supplement. It helps in skin lightening by converting dark, yellow or brown pigmentation to white glowing pigmentation. It gives you a whiter, fairer and softer skin. Glutathione 500mg is the next in line. It consists of supplementary pills with small peptide molecule composed of three amino acids. They include cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. There is also dr James Collagen pills, Relumins and Liposomol glutathione. All the above have glutathione as the key and active ingredients and they more or less work in the same way. Supplements like selenium, silymarin, Vitamins E and…
Makari De Suisse Kenya Makari Beauty Products
WHY MAKARI BEAUTY PRODUCTS Firstly fueled by a passion for skincare and a desire to establish a niche brand of targeted products for a growing but neglected consumer-base, the highly innovative Makari Beauty Products specifically formulated to address the needs of skins of color was born. Secondly their base formulations infused with botanical actives are inspired by ancient ritualistic beauty practices combined with state-of-the-art technologies to develop powerful, high quality innovative products. Thirdly they have no side effects. INGREDIENTS Generally Makari’s team of expert chemists formulated, developed, manufactured and patented “Vegeclairine” and “Organiclarine”, two non-toxic and non-chemical proprietary, high potency brightening complexes packed with natural, skin-caring natural botanicals that effectively targets hyperpigmentation fading dark spots, melasma, age spots, and post-hyperpigmentation inflammation, and evens skin tone revealing a more radiant, uniformed complexion. MULBERRY EXTRACT BEARBERRY EXTRACT OR ARBUTIN LEMON EXTRACT LICORICE EXTRACT Most importantly Makari Products are packaged with other naturally efficacious ingredients – gold, caviar, sulfur, shea butter, vitamins C & E, carrot oil, sweet almond oil, argan oil and coconut oil – into multi-benefit solutions .In summary All of Makari’s formulations are hydroquinone-free, steroid-free, cruelty-free, and gluten-free. MAKARI EFFECTIVELY ADDRESSES Firstly they address Hyperpigmentation Secondly they help with Acne…
Combination Skin
COMBINATION SKIN MAKARI PRODUCTS IN KENYA Getting a radiant complexion means understanding your skin type and how to treat it. There are four main skin types: dry, oily, sensitive, normal, and combination. Consider the chart on the right-hand side, and do a little experiment. Wash your face with your normal cleanser, then wait an hour. Feel your skin and observe any appearance changes, then match your observations to the descriptions on the left. If you’ve got combination skin type, use this guide to determine the ways you can best treat and take care of your skin. Those with combination skin are in a constant battle with their T-Zone, which includes the forehead, nose, and chin. How Can I Tell if I It? It is thought to be one of the most common skin types. Watch for these symptoms and signs to determine whether or not you’re dealing with combination skin: The appearance of larger pores: You’ve likely encountered plenty of “miracle” remedies designed to make your pores smaller—this remedy doesn’t truly exist. Nothing has been proven to actually reduce the size of your pores, but you can make them look smaller by keeping your pores clear with regular cleansing. Shiny skin:…
Dry Skin
Dry Skin Makari Products In Kenya Generally Dry skin is an uncomfortable condition marked by scaling, itching, and cracking. Similarly It can occur for a variety of reasons. You might have naturally dry skin. But even if your skin tends to be oily, you can develop dry skin from time to time. Additionally this skin type can affect any part of your body. As much as we love cozying up with a warm beverage and donning our cutest sweaters, the arrival of colder temps can do a number on skin, especially if you experience dryness or redness year-round. However, incorporating the right moisturizer into your skin-care routine can help minimize flaking and irritation, creating a healthy glow with or without makeup. “People prone to dry skin should look for moisturizers that contain ingredients that prevent water loss and repair the skin’s moisture barrier. Makari De Suisse has a wide range of products to care for those with this skin type. Take a tour and try their world class products. Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can shop for our products online. We have a safe check out system. In addition we can deliver our products anywhere in the world. This is through global couriers. Our clients can also visit…
Maturing Skin
Maturing Skin Makari Products In Kenya MATURING SKIN? NURTURE YOUR WAY TO BEAUTY Treat your skin to intensive anti ageing care so that it remains firm and is always nurtured. Generally as we get older the metabolism of cells becomes slower. Similarly the synthesis of Collagen is reduced and dehydration creeps in. Add to this those lifestyle factors i mentioned : Stress, Illness, Medication, Smoking, Sun damage, Lack of sleep and diet and it all adds up. In the same vein some tell tale signs of mature skin are: Firstly Drier Skin Secondly Thin Skin Thirdly Lack of Firmness Similarly when you see Deep set Wrinkles Dehydration Make up Dissapearing Loss of Luminosity Lack of Tone Open Pores Hyperpigmentation and Age Spots Aging gracefully can be aging beautifully. Aging is the reward for having lived. There are some wonderful things that happen to us as we move forward in life. However we can actually become better versions of ourselves as we we get older. There is a grace and beauty expressed through a life well lived, and if we can find a way to accept the natural changes of life. This means we make healthy lifestyle choices. We attempt…
Normal Skin
Normal Skin Makari Products In Kenya If your skin isn’t overly sensitive, oily, or dry, keep it that way. Choose cleansers that leave your you feeling refreshed, moisturize daily, and pamper your pores with a weekly mask treatment for a healthy, 24/7 glow. Similarly this skin is most accurately characterized by what it’s not. If your skin is generally neither dry, nor oily, it’s considered to be normal. However this skin type can also be susceptible to various conditions, like blemishes or occasional dryness or oiliness. Don’t Leave Home Without SPF Sun exposure can account for 90 percent of premature aging and dark spots. No matter what the weather, make sure to wear a broad spectrum Cleansers and Makeup Removers Harsh rubbing needlessly irritates skin. Instead, cleanse gently with cleansers and makeup removers that are effective enough to lift dirt, oil, and makeup with a soft wipe or gentle massage. Day Moisturizers All day, skin is exposed to environmental pollutants that can lead to moisture loss. Look for an antioxidant-packed moisturizer that hydrates while protecting your skin’s moisture barrier. Night Moisturizers Make sure to apply a hydrating night cream before bed. Skin is most vulnerable to moisture loss at night as our body temperature drops during sleep causing us to sweat.…
Oily Skin
Oily Skin Makari Products In Kenya An oily skin type is exactly what it sounds like – excess oil on the face produces a persistently shiny or greasy appearance. If you don’t treat your oily skin, pores can become clogged and enlarged, and dead skin cells may accumulate. Blackheads, pimples and other types of acne are also common with this skin type. The Science Behind the Oil Sebaceous glands are located within the skin and are responsible for secreting an oily substance called sebum. Sebum lubricates the skin, protecting it from drying out or becoming irritated. This oil, along with sweat, is secreted through the pores. When this process goes smoothly, sebum not only lubricates your skin, but it also removes dead skin cells and other irritants from your pores. However, when over-active sebaceous glands produce excess sebum, your skin looks shiny and your pores can become clogged, leading to a host of skin imperfections. How to Know if You Have Oily-Type Skin If your skin exhibits the following, then you have this skin type: Your face is shiny and usually appears greasy later on in the day Makeup doesn’t stay on and seems to “slide” off The oilier areas of your face have blackheads,…
Sensitive Skin
Sensitive Skin Makari Products In Kenya Firstly Sensitive skin is a common issue but not a medical diagnosis in itself. The term generally refers to skin that is more prone to inflammation or adverse reactions. People with this skin may have strong reactions to products. Similarly such products could be chemicals, dyes, and fragrances that come into contact with the skin. When you have sensitive skin, it can be difficult knowing the right products to choose. Generally Skin sensitivity is a very common problem. That means skin is temperamental and easily irritated. It is prone to dryness, spots, texture, redness and itchiness. Many cosmetics are labeled as ‘hypoallergenic’, meaning they’re free from harsh chemicals, like alcohol, fragrance and sulphates. Some are also labeled as ‘non-comedogenic’, meaning they won’t clog up pores. Knowing what to pick can be a minefield, which is why we’ve rounded up the cream of the crop in sensitive skincare; specially designed to soothe irritable skin and packed full of calming ingredients like aloe vera, green and white tea extracts, for soothing and anti-inflammatory benefits. Makari De Suisse have world class productrs for people with sensitive stock. Take a tour and try Makari products for sensitive skin. Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can shop for our…
Unisex Products
Bath And Body
Bath And Body Works Products In Kenya Bath And Body works Products are products used when bathing & after. In the same vein these products give the skin right texture & moisturize. Generally Body products are needed after bathing. These products include soaps, lotions, serums and fragrances. Additionally these products contain essential ingredients like Vitamin E. However when shopping for bath and body work products its good to be careful. This is because some of those products could have ingredients that are possible carcinogens and toxic to organs. Soap is a great way to keep germs away, but what if you’re on the go? … Enriched with shea extract, vitamin E, 68% alcohol and aloe, Bath & Body Works hand sanitizers kill 99.9% of most common germs and keep your hands clean and soft. But what if your hands are too dry? Grab a bottle of nourishing hand soap. You might need some extra moisture and this creamy, silky formula is packed full of skin-loving ingredients, like essential oils and vitamin E, to condition your hands every wash. And introducing out latest addition to the hand soaps family: gentle gel hand soaps. They’re made without dyes or parabens, but are full of the fragrance you love and the ingredients you need to maintain your skin’s natural…
About Body Mists and Sprays From Bath & Body Works Our fine fragrance mists are the absolute best way to keep the scent going all day, every day. Plus, the fragrances are oh-so-glorious that you’ll want to take a bottle with your everywhere. In the mood for spring, but it’s still the middle of winter? Spray a sweet, floral fine fragrance mist and you’ll be transported straight into warmer weather. Similarly you are Welcome fall into your life anytime with a spicy spray. Cool off from the summer heat with a nice, cool, beachy fragrance. Bonus: our mists have nourishing aloe in them. Plus, a cool misting always feels refreshing. Generally Fragrances are used in products for a variety of reasons to enhance the user experience. Additionally they can provide a pleasant odor and make the products more recognizable or distinct, as well as help mask the smell of some ingredients. Fragrances in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Fragrance ingredients are commonly used in a range of personal care products. In the same vein Cosmetics like shampoos, shower gels, shaving creams and body lotions contain fragrance to improve the user’s experience, and maybe even general health. Where To Buy And How…
Hair Removers
Hair Removers In Kenya Hair removers include over-the-counter treatments and treatments performed by doctors. Why does someone have excess hair? Unwanted hair is common on the upper lip, chin, cheeks, back, legs, fingers, lower abdomen, bikini line, feet, and toes. Excess hair in these locations may be caused by a variety of factors, including Genetics Certain medications such as hormones or steroids Medical abnormalities, such as higher androgen (male hormone) levels Conditions of the endocrine system, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can shop for our products online. We have a safe check out system. In addition we can deliver our products anywhere in the world. This is through global couriers. Our clients can also visit our stores to purchase our products. The advantage of this is that our attendants will give advise and free consultation. Whichever way you opt, you are welcome to try out products. Shaving Shaving removes hair down to just below the surface of the skin. It does not cause the hair to grow back thicker. How often you shave is determined by your individual hair growth rate. In the re-growth phase, the shaved areas may have a rough texture.…
Deodorants In Kenya Deodorants is a skincare product that helps keep your underarms smelling fresh rather than stop sweat. When we perspire, this bacteria digests the fats and proteins in our sweat. The result is the unpleasant smell we have come to associate with sweat. Deodorant contain ingredients which prevent bacterial growth to help fight body odour caused by sweating. Some deodorants can also reduce the number of bacteria in your armpit. Deodorants work by killing the bacteria on your skin, and they also work as an antiperspirant by reducing the amount of sweat. ANTIPERSPIRANTS On the other hand, antiperspirants contain active ingredients – usually aluminium salts, which work to reduce the amount of sweat your sweat glands release by forming temporary gel plugs in the upper parts of your pores. These plugs are removed over time by your skin’s natural renewal process and when you wash your armpits. Antiperspirants also have a deodorizing effect as they inhibit bacterial growth by lowering the pH levels and moisture in your armpit.Some people have allergic reactions to deodorants or antiperspirants.Where To Buy And How To Shop; You can shop for our products online. We have a safe check out system. In addition we can deliver our products…
Body Wash And Shower Gels
Body Wash And Shower Gels In Kenya Shower gel (also shower cream or body wash) is a specialized liquid product used for cleaning the body during showers. Not to be confused with liquid soaps, shower gels, in fact, do not contain saponified oil. Instead, it uses synthetic detergents derived from either petroleum or plant sources. We have the best Body Wash And Shower Gels. What Is Shower Gel and Is It the Same as Body Wash? Body wash and shower gel are pretty similar. They’re both liquid cleansers that use mild surfactants to cleanse skin. The main difference lies in their texture. Body shower gel tends to have a thinner consistency which makes it better for warmer climates. Body washes are slightly more moisturizing than shower gels and much more hydrating than bar soaps. That’s because they usually contain emollients (a.k.a. skin-softeners). In fact newer formulas feature technology that delivers emulsified petrolatum (a common skin ointment) to the skin while you cleanse which helps improve dryness. The Best Body Cleanser for Your Skin Concerns When it comes to choosing a bar soap, body wash and shower gel, you should be particularly picky if you have acne, rosacea, eczema or even sensitive skin, as cleansers that are…
Essential Oils
Essential Oils In Kenya What are They? Firstly Essential oils, which are obtained through mechanical pressing or distillation, are concentrated plant extracts that retain the natural smell and flavor of their source. Secondly each essential oil has a unique composition of chemicals, and this variation affects the smell, absorption, and effects on the body. Thirdly the chemical composition of an essential oil may vary within the same plant species, or from plant to plant. Similarly as an example of how concentrated essential oils are, 220 pounds of lavender flowers are required to produce approximately one pound of lavender oil. Additionally Synthetic oils are not considered true essential oils. Generally Here Examples Of Types of essential oils Lavender. This incredibly popular oil has all kinds of benefits. Roman chamomile. Featuring a combination of a light floral and herbal aroma, this oil has the potential to put your mind at ease when diffused and inhaled through steam Rose Hyssop Myrrh Vetiver Grapefruit Cedarwood Oregano Cassia Helichrysum Orange Arbovitae Lemon Malaleuca Basil Oil Spearmint And finally Peppermint Frankincense Clove Where To Buy And How To Shop; In conclusion you can shop for our products online. Additionally we have a safe check out system.…
Hands And Feet
Hands And Feet Care Products In Kenya Our hands and feet go through a lot in day, and they can really suffer if not cared for properly. This is where hands and feet products come in. Using a hand cream that’s suited to your needs will keep them happy and hydrated, and reduce the likelihood of them feeling sore. So here are some tips on what hand cream is the best hand cream for you. CAUSES OF HAND DISTRESS FOR DRY AND ITCHY HANDS The best hand cream for you will contain restorative properties to help repair cracked hands causing them to itch. It is intensely hydrating as it is a humectant which retains hydration and reduces water loss through the skin as it retains and attracts water to lock in moisture in the skin, and contains healing properties which offer relief from itchiness. Pro-Vitamin B5 helps to repair your skin, enabling it to heal faster while protecting it against further damage. FOR GENERAL PROTECTION The best hand cream for you will be one that protects and deeply hydrates your skin that you can use regularly. Anti-ageing properties are very beneficial because hands often show the first signs of ageing.…
Oral Care And Teeth Whiteners
Dental Care Products In Kenya Dental Care Products promote wellness of teeth. They leave the teeth healthy and free of cavities. One such product is DentaDefend. Additionally it is a high quality toothpaste with sealing and whitening effects. We all know toothpaste is essential to clean teeth, but do you know how toothpaste works for your pearly whites? Take a look at the the best traits of toothpaste that make it an effective cleanser of our teeth. No Matter the Type Toothpastes come in many varieties from pastes to gels, from fruity to minty flavors, with some variation for those with especially sensitive teeth. Despite all the differences between toothpastes, they are all striving for one goal: to give you healthy teeth. Take a look at some common toothpaste traits, and how they work for your teeth. Fluoride This is the most important active ingredient found in toothpaste. Fluoride does a number of things to prevent tooth decay from happening. It directly affects tooth decay causing bacteria, preventing them from doing damage. Thickeners Our toothpaste is made of a thicker substance than water. Binders are used to thicken it to a paste or gel consistency, keeping the form stable for…
Bath And Shower
Bath And Shower Products In Kenya Bath And Shower Products are basically products used in bathing, showering and cleaning. They include bath capsules,bath oils,tablets & salts & bubble baths. Body wash is a product most of us use every day, but sudsing with the right one can make the difference between a so-so shower (and skin!) and one that’s pampering and silkening. So for a next-level spa-like experience and healthier, more hydrated body skin, don’t just grab any old soap off the shelves. Shower gel (also shower cream or body wash) is a specialized liquid product used for cleaning the body during showers. Not to be confused with liquid soaps, shower gels, in fact, do not contain 15 Shower Caddy Essentials You Absolutely Need For Your Dorm Room Shower Flip Flops. Even if your dorm room has its own shower that you’re sharing with one other roomie, you should still get yourself a pair of flip flops. … Bath Supply Holders. … Bar Soap. … A Razor. … Shaving Cream. … A Shower Cloth. … A Self-Tanner. … A Shower Cap. Body washes and shower gels have a lower pH value than the traditional soap, which is also known to feel less drying to the skin. In certain cases, sodium stearate is added…
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